Friday 10 January 2014

Tag Tuesday-Homes/Shelters

 Here in Reading, the River Thames has burst its banks and water has covered all the low lying ground at Christchurch Meadows. In what now looks like a lake, the playground and park benches are visible, and look very odd. We are so lucky to live up on a hill, and I really feel for the people who live down there who have put up sandbags in case their homes are flooded.

Shelters/Homes seems an appropriate subject for this week's tag for Tag Tuesday.
I realise I am running late with my tag, how can it be Friday already! The start of term seemed to come so quickly after Christmas, and I had no sooner sent the men of my household off to their various places of study/work, than it was time for me to begin classes again! I have been at a beading workshop, and still have very little to show for it, as the beads are so tiny, progress is very slow, but I am learning! The painting class I am attending this term also started this week at our local centre, and this week we have been working in acrylics.

For my tag, I was thinking about homes and shelters, and then thought about how a house could be a home for people and at the same time a shelter for animals and birds. I wasn't quite sure where I was going with this, it took me a while to work out how to show this in tag form.

I have made two tags, the first using an image of a thatched cottage (from a magasine), which I put onto a collaged background of blues and greens. I wondered which animals and birds could make their homes there, as one of the drawbacks of having a thatched roof is that it is attractive for nesting birds and animals!

This is what I think would happen! I have enlarged the cottage and drawn it, and added some wildlife! Can you spot the jackdaw nesting on the chimney, the duck and pigeon  nesting under the eaves, the cat inside the cottage, the spider and the butterflies!

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