Friday, 12 October 2012

Winter Hare Collage

This term I am not attending any classes, so that I can concentrate on finishing off projects and do some de-cluttering  and organising in my studio. I have just finished off this picture which I started last term in my art class. I drew the hare with fine liner pens and painted in a watercolour background. However, I felt it was crying out for some mixed media treatment and really wanted to add some texture to it in the form of collage.

For the winter sky background I collaged small strips of very fine white tissue paper, which were then painted in watercolour. For the foreground I painted some thicker tissue paper with Brusho paints, and applied thicker strips of it to put him in a field.

I have also posted this onto a blog which I follow, Collage Obsession, as the theme this week is Brown.


  1. Great collage....he looks like he's trying to get warm. I love your different textures !

  2. Incredible work! Love the textures you created!
